Under the Transfer Act, instead of all the officers and employees coming under the norms, only 15 percent of the posts will be transferred this year. On the proposals received from the departments, its file has been sent by the Personnel Department to the Chief Minister for approval.
Under the Transfer Act in the state, officers and employees are to be transferred after two years. The government wants that all categories of officers and employees falling under the norms should be transferred, but in view of the financial situation from some departments, transfers have been requested in a limited scope.
According to departmental officials, such proposals have come from various departments in the government. It has been requested from these departments that this year only 15 percent posts should be transferred. On the proposal of the departments, its file has been sent by the Personnel Department to the Chief Minister for approval. As soon as approval is received on this, a mandate in this regard can be made within the next one or two days.
Confusion in departments on transfers:
There is confusion in the state due to lack of any clear mandate between the departments regarding the transfers of officers and employees under the Transfer Act. The transfers in various departments are to be done by July 10. According to the Act, July 10 is the last date for transfers. Meanwhile, some departments have transferred some posts, but now that only 12 days are left for transfers. It has not been clarified by issuing GO from the government whether all those coming in the standards will be transferred or will be transferred in a limited radius.
The Education Department has sent a proposal to make compulsory transfers of teachers who have lived in accessible or inaccessible 15 years, but no clear order has been received in this regard yet. Right now we are seeing that all those who come in the standards should be transferred.