3177 villages of the state deprived of road facilities will be connected to the main road under the Mukhyamantri Gram Sampark Yojana. PWD and Rural Works Minister Satpal Maharaj said that 9914 kilometers of roads will be constructed for these villages.
2030 villages are not connected to the main road
Cabinet Minister Maharaj said that at present 2035 villages of the state are not connected to the main road, while the unpaved roads built for 1142 villages are not as per the standard of rural roads. All these villages have been included in the Chief Minister Gram Sampark Yojana. He said that the villages which are not yet connected by road will be selected by a committee formed at the district level under the chairmanship of the minister in-charge of the district. The committee will recommend schemes according to the priority and population of the villages in descending order.
Minimum width will be kept at 3 meters
He said that for these schemes, approval will be given from the State Plan in the first phase, while the second phase works will be financed through NABARD. The width of the construction bed of the road will be kept at 5.20 meters and the minimum width of the carriage way will be kept at 3.00 meters. . Land for road construction will generally be acquired seven meters wide. He said that if the villages are connected by road, along with providing transport facilities, it will be easier for the local products to reach the market and the villagers will also be able to get fair prices for them.