A pharmaceutical company named Golden Pharma was running in Sidcul area since 2020. The firm’s license was canceled in December last year after the medicines department’s investigation found the medicines sub-standard. A suit was also filed in the CJM court. Despite this, the owners and associates of the firm continued with their old tricks. The manufacturing of licensed medicines continued unabated without throwing dust in the eyes of the department. The surprising thing is that the associates of the firm owner who was playing with people’s lives did not even have a degree related to drug manufacturing. Firm owner Rajesh Kumar Bhagat, resident of Katihar Bihar, has passed B.Com. At the same time, his two detained associates are 10th and 12th pass. Whereas, for drug manufacturing etc. degrees like B.Sc Chemistry, B.Pharma, M.Pharma etc. are mandatory.
Apart from Sidcul of Haridwar, a large number of pharma companies are operating in areas like Bahadurabad, Bhagwanpur etc. From time to time, irregularities have been found in these pharma companies during the inspection of the pharmaceutical department. Just a week ago, the departmental team had found a lot of irregularities in a pharma company in Madhopur of Roorkee area.
On suspicion of adulteration of medicines, the departmental team took samples of the medicines and sealed the firm. Even before this, irregularities of pharma companies operating in areas like Roorkee, Bhagwanpur, Sidcul etc. have come to light.
The manufacturing of medicines secretly even after the license of Golden Pharma located at SIDCUL was cancelled, shows the poor working style of the system. Not only this, the untrained personnel of the concerned firm were manufacturing not only iron, calcium but also anti-biotic medicines. Names of some wholesalers of medicines are also coming to light in this game. The department is preparing to cancel their licenses also.