Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami on Tuesday provided appointment letters to 72 assistant professors selected from the State Public Service Commission at the Mukhya Sevak Sadan located at the Chief Minister’s residence. All these assistant professors have been selected in Sociology, Economics and English subjects.
On this occasion, the Chief Minister launched a portal to provide an amount of Rs 50,000 to the meritorious students of the state in the National Institutional Ranking (NIRF) Institute.
Target to employ 5000 students
Chief Minister Dhami said that the Gaurav Yojana has a target of providing banking and financial three-tier training to the students studying in higher educational institutions of the state and employment to 5000 students.
Congratulating all the assistant professors who received the appointment letters, Chief Minister Dhami said that teachers play an important role in building the future of the learners. They have an important responsibility to build the future of our youth. This is the first step for the newly selected teachers.