Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami is serious about abducting a minor girl student in Purola and spoiling the cordial atmosphere in the district. In response to the question of journalists in Chinyalisaur, Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami said that the state government is completely strict regarding Love Jihad and Land Jihad. This kind of antics will not be allowed to happen in Devbhoomi. Action is also being taken against such persons. The law is doing its work. However, those who try to disturb harmony and law and order and vitiate the atmosphere will also be dealt with strictly.
Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami reached Chinyalisaur on Monday. Participated in BJP’s mass contact campaign in the guest house premises of Jal Vidyut Nigam. Sitting and taking Tiffen food brought by Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami and BJP workers. After this Chief Minister Pushkar Singh reached Dhami Chopardhar Chinyalisaur. Participated in the spiritual, cultural and religious fair ‘Go Mahotsav’ program organized on the occasion of Lord Nagraj Manifest Day at Nagraj Temple. In the temple premises, the narrator joined the story of Gopal Mani Maharaj.
CM Pushkar Singh Dhami inspected the road and footpath till Nagraj temple. Assured that the routes would be developed soon. The Chief Minister said that due to the efforts of Gopal Mani Maharaj, the spirit of cow service is being created in the country and abroad to enhance the Sanatan culture.
Cow has got the status of mother in ancient Indian culture. Cow is an important part of our culture and tradition. Those who keep cows have no dearth of wealth. It is a matter of pride for us to talk about cow protection. On this occasion, BJP District President Sattendra Rana, senior BJP leader Surat Ram Nautiyal, Gangotri MLA Suresh Chauhan, Yamunotri MLA Sanjay Doval, District Panchayat President Deepak Bijlwan, BJP State Spokesperson Manveer Chauhan, Superintendent of Police Arpan Yaduvanshi etc were present.