Voting for the first phase of Lok Sabha elections ended on April 19 for five Lok Sabha seats in Uttarakhand. A total of 55 candidates are in the electoral fray in Uttarakhand. Tehri Garhwal, Garhwal, Haridwar, Almora, Nainital-Udham Singh Nagar Lok Sabha seats are in Uttarakhand. If we look at the results of the last Lok Sabha elections, BJP had won all the five seats of Devbhoomi in 2019. This time, while BJP would like to make a comeback once again, Congress will try its best to retain power.
55.89 percent voting took place in five Lok Sabha seats of Uttarakhand
Almora- 46.94 percent
Haridwar- 62.36 percent
Tehri Garhwal- 52.57 percent
Garhwal- 50.84 percent
Nainital-Udham Singh Nagar- 61.35 percent