The CBI court is likely to give its verdict today regarding the voice samples of former Chief Minister Harish Rawat, MLA Madan Bisht, former minister Harak Singh Rawat and MLA Umesh Kumar in the 2016 sting operation case.
Recently, the CBI had issued notices to the four leaders regarding the voice sample. On July 15, his advocates argued in the court that the matter was also sub judice in the High Court. That’s why it should be heard only after the decision of the High Court.
A sting of Chief Minister Harish Rawat came to the fore:
In the year 2016, after the rebellion in the then Congress government, a sting of Chief Minister Harish Rawat came to the fore. In this, Chief Minister Harish Rawat was shown bargaining with the MLAs to save his government. In another sting, the then Congress MLA Madan Singh Bisht was claimed to be.
Former cabinet minister Harak Singh Rawat was also said to be involved in this sting. It was claimed that the stinger of these two is Umesh Kumar. The investigation of the case was handed over to the CBI. The CBI had sought permission from the court to take voice samples to match the voices in the sting.