A meeting regarding preparations for the Lok Sabha elections was held under the chairmanship of State Congress Committee War Room Chairman Naveen Joshi. In the meeting, desk heads were appointed for each Lok Sabha seat, under which Virendra Panwar will take charge of Pauri, Vinay Kumar of Nainital, Suresh Arya of Almora, Vineet Agrahari Gupta and Parineeta Baroni Tehri and Surendra Singh Prajapati of Haridwar Lok Sabha.
All desk heads will remain connected to the workers
Addressing the office bearers in the meeting, Naveen Joshi said that we have to ensure the victory of Congress in the Lok Sabha elections, for which the war room will be working day and night, all the desk heads will be connected with the workers in their areas and efforts will be made to connect with the public till the grassroots level. Will work. We will respond to the anti-people policies of the BJP, and will work on it by highlighting the damage that policies like Agneepath have caused to the youth and the public, for which work has been started in every Lok Sabha, and the Congress will contest the elections strongly. I have got down. Warroom co-chairman Gopal Singh Gadiya, Ashish Nautiyal, Lalit Meghvanshi, Aryan Chaudhary etc. were present in the meeting.