The Chief Minister said that camps should be organized for 100% distribution of ownership records. Tehsildars should also be given the right to issue permanent residence certificate. Revenue council, collectorate and commissioner offices should be linked with e-office. The District Magistrate should solve the problems of the local people by organizing multipurpose camps in remote areas four times a month. Regular organization of Tehsil Days should be ensured. People should be motivated for voluntary consolidation. Time bound disposal of cases of rejection of filing should be done.
The Chief Minister said that there is a need to modernize the district archives, strengthen and modernize the revenue police system. Effective monitoring and execution of revenue claims should be ensured.
It was informed in the meeting that 09 services of Revenue Department are operating under Apni Sarkar Portal, out of which 07 services are integrated with UMANG and API Setu App.
The services related to 15 additional revenue departments notified in the Right to Service Act have been made online.
Apart from the approval received from the Government of India in DILMRP, survey work of the entire state is being done in a modern way. New Revenue Code has been promulgated.
Giving information about the future action plan of the Revenue Department, it was informed that 100 percent recovery target has been set from collection Amin after 100% computerization of recovery bills of various dues under Revenue Department. A target is being set to develop all the land acquisition related proceedings on the portal.
The survey of ownership plan is targeted to be completed by August 15, 2022. Survey work is being done in the populated areas of rural areas, which have not been surveyed/measured in the past, under 100% centrally funded scheme owned by the Panchayati Raj Department, Government of India. The purpose of this scheme is to provide loan facility through banks for ownership, housing construction, reconstruction, house construction etc. from banks. Against total 16686 revenue villages of the state, 14343 revenue villages have been notified. In relation to the notified villages, 7576 villages with population recorded in the records were identified for drone survey. 100% drone flying has been completed in 7576 villages.
A total of 204212 ownership records have been prepared in 6591 (87.0%) villages, against which 162945 (79.8 percent) ownership records have been distributed.
Digital India Land Record Modernization Program (DILRMP) is a 100% centrally funded scheme run by the Department of Land Resources, Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India.
In this, computerization / digitization of all ZA and non-ZA Khatonio has been completed.
The computerization work of all 54 sub registrar offices has been completed. Modern Record Rooms have been set up in 77 Tehsils. All 402 Revenue Courts (RCMS) have been made online on the portal. Unique Identification Parcel Number (ULPIN) issued for 96% of Khasras.
The cadastral maps of Almora and Pauli Garhwal districts have been digitized while the target of digitizing the cadastral maps of the remaining 11 districts is September 2024.
All Khasra numbers will be given Georeference Unique Identification Parcel Number (ULPIN).
On this occasion Additional Chief Secretary Radha Raturi, Anand Vardhan, Secretary R Meenakshi Sundaram, Shailesh Bagoli, Deependra Choudhary, S. N Pandey, Additional Secretary Lalit Mohan Rayal, Anand Srivastava, Jagdish Kandpal were present.