Snowfall started in Kedarnath Dham on Tuesday also after noon. There is continuous process of snowfall in Dham. Pilgrims are having darshan of Baba even in snowfall. Six inches of fresh snow has accumulated due to snowfall last night, due to which it is bitterly cold.
Snowfall started in Kedarnath Dham on Tuesday also after noon. There is continuous process of snowfall in Dham. Pilgrims are seeing Baba even in snowfall. Six inches of fresh snow has accumulated since last night’s snowfall, which is causing severe cold. The temperature is reaching minus three degrees, while the maximum remains at four degrees.
Walking distance for shuttle service:
Pilgrims have to walk about three km to reach the shuttle service operated at Sonprayag. Due to the huge crowd in Sonprayag, the parking here is running full, due to which the passengers have to park their vehicles in Sitapur and Rampur and come on foot. Along with this, he is also forced to bring his heavy luggage.
The administration has operated shuttle service to reach Gaurikund from Sonprayag. The six kilometer long highway from Sonprayag to Gaurikund is very narrow, the highway was completely damaged in the year 2013 during the Kedarnath disaster. Along with this, all the three parking lots of Gaurikund were also washed away in the disaster, after which shuttle service was started from Sonprayag to Gaurikund.
Huge rush of passengers in Sonprayag:
150 vehicles operate under this service, it includes small vehicles taxi maxi. There is a huge crowd of passengers in Sonprayag, from here the passengers are released from the police barrier till one o’clock in the afternoon to go to Kedarnath, due to which there is a huge crowd of passengers here.
One thousand capacity parking is also running full in Sonprayag, due to which pilgrims are reaching Gaurikund on foot from Sitapur, elderly pilgrims are forced to bring luggage with them and reach Sonprayag on foot even in rains for shuttle service. There is huge rush in the shuttle service also, here also after waiting a long time the number of passengers comes to sit in the shuttle vehicle. Then after reaching Gaurikund, go to Kedarnath on foot.