Before repairing the bridges which are unsafe for traffic, a third party survey is being conducted. For this, cooperation of other technical institutes including IIT Roorkee will be taken. Various sections of the Public Works Department are taking estimates from these institutions. The department believes that the process of conducting third party audit of the bridges will be completed in the next two months. At present there are about three thousand small and big bridges in the state on national highways, state highways, district and link roads.
Survey of more than two thousand bridges conducted
After incidents of damage to bridges at various places during the rainy season, the Public Works Department decided to conduct a detailed survey of them. So far, survey of more than two thousand bridges has been done. Of these, more than 120 bridges were found unsafe. In some of these, traffic is continuing, while in some the movement of heavy vehicles has been stopped.
Survey done on all bridges
All these bridges included in the unsafe category have to be repaired. After this, the government started taking steps on the instructions of the government regarding the safety of big bridges. First, the government directed the department to conduct a survey of all the major bridges to see what is the condition of the bridges. How many of these bridges need repair?
Many things revealed in third party audit
After the survey, the government decided to conduct third party audit before construction or repair of unsafe category bridges. It will be seen whether there is any need for change in their existing design. Also how can they be made more strong and durable. Head of Department of Public Works Department, Deepak Yadav, says that at present estimates are being taken from other institutions including IIT Roorkee for third party audit. Estimates for some have been received. He said that this audit will be conducted in the next two months. On the basis of this audit, their construction work will be started.
These bridges suffered damage
During this rainy season, the bridge of Malan river at Kotdwar in Pauri district was broken. Due to this, traffic communication was disrupted for a long time. Many villages were cut off due to the collapse of the bridge across the Aneki River in Roshnabad, Haridwar. The motor bridge in Tharali of Chamoli district also collapsed due to heavy rains. Last year, Bhopalpani bridge was broken in Thana of Dehradun district.