Uttarakhand Land Law: Committee finalized the report, Uttarakhandis will not be landless like Himachal

Arrangements will be made on the lines of Himachal in the gems of Uttarakhand. In particular, the residents of the mountainous regions are not devoid of land and housing, so the current geo-law will be amended. The government will recommend lease to lease the land for various purposes including industrial to prevent the misuse of geo-law.

Committee will submit the report in the first week of September:
The high level committee constituted under the chairmanship of former Chief Secretary Subhash Kumar, constituted for the testing and study of the geo-law, finalized its report on Tuesday. Its printing and other necessary work will be edited throughout the week. In the first week of September next month, the committee will submit its report to Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami.
The campaign on the Internet had intensified against the misuse of the concessions made in the current geo-law in the state and the purchase of the land.
The government formed this high level committee last year after the demand for amendment in the geo-law. The committee had sought suggestions from enlightened people including the general public, voluntary organizations regarding the geo-law. More than 160 suggestions were received by the committee.
In addition, the committee had summoned reports from all the districts to the districts regarding the misuse of exemption given for various purposes including industries in the ground law.
In this report, there were cases of misuse of exemption given in land procurement and using land on the sidelines of the prescribed purpose. The District Magistrates have mentioned the sale of land taken for industrial and other economic, educational activities in a manner.

Rules will be made with Land Act:
In this final meeting of the committee of the committee in the state guest house on Tuesday, the report was finalized based on the suggestions received on the basis of preventing the misuse of land laws and protecting the rights of the state’s land.
According to sources, the committee has recommended to make a rule to clarify the system of Land Act to avoid the landless and housing of the people on the lines of Himachal. Now, despite selling land for various use, the rules will be made in the rules to protect the rights of the person’s land.

Income resources will increase by giving land lease:
The committee is also going to recommend the government to lease the land. With this, the person or establishment that takes the land on lease will not be able to use other. Also, by giving land on lease, the landlord will also get income. This arrangement has been recommended by the committee to make this arrangement almost like Himachal.
Although the common and enlightened people have also suggested not to disrupt the system of inviting investment in the state in the current Land Act. In this, special emphasis has been laid on not allowing the land to be misused. The committee has made it part of its recommendation.

Task Force to investigate the misuse of geo-law:
The committee is also going to give its recommendation to the government regarding the maximum limit for land procurement permission. The government has to take a decision on this.
In case of not setting up the industry, the entrepreneur or establishment concerned will have to return the land. The government has suggested the formation of the formation of a task force to investigate cases of misuse of geo-laws in various districts.
On the other hand, on the contact, the committee chairman and former Chief Secretary Subhash Kumar said that the committee has finalized its report. It is being printed. The report will be submitted to him in the first week of September with time from the Chief Minister.
The meeting was attended by the committee member Badri Kedar Temple Committee Chairman Ajendra Ajay, retired IAS DS Garbyal and Dr. Arun Dhoundiyal, Revenue Secretary Deepender Chaudhary, Additional Secretary Anand Srivastava and Deputy Revenue Commissioner Devanand.

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