Appealing to the people of the state, Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami said that vaccination is our biggest weapon in the fight against the corona epidemic, all the people of the state who are above 18 years of age must be a part of the Kovid Precaution Dose campaign and get the Kovid vaccine and others. Encourage people too. He said that in the last two years, under the leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, we fought against the Corona epidemic with great gusto. Under his leadership, a great campaign of Kovid Vaccination was carried out in India, as well as the work of distributing the vaccine by India across the world, while introducing humanity. The corona epidemic has definitely reduced but is not over yet, it can still be avoided only by prevention, awareness, cleanliness and vaccination.
Giving information about the Maha Abhiyan of Kovid Precaution Dose, Director, National Health Mission Dr. Saroj Naithani said that from July 15, in all the health units of the state, those people above the age of 18 years, who got the second dose of Kovid in 6 months ( 26 weeks) will be given a free booster/precaution dose.
Dr. Naithani told that the booster/precaution dose which was costing Rs 386 per dose in private hospitals, will now be provided free of cost in all government health units. For which the Health Department is fully prepared and guidelines have been issued to all the districts.