PM Modi inaugurated the 38th National Games in Uttarakhand on Tuesday. The ceremony was at Rajiv Gandhi Cricket Stadium. PM Modi entered the stadium riding a chariot. Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami, Union Minister of State for Sports Raksha Khadse, Assembly Speaker Ritu Khanduri and PT Usha were also present on the stage with PM Modi. CM Dhami also presented a bouquet, cap, shawl and angavastram to the Prime Minister. PM Modi also met players Lakshya Sen, Manish Rawat, Jaspal Rana, Surendra Kanwasi, Hansa Manral, Hitendra Rawat, Subhash Rana and Manoj Sarkar. The athletes parade started. Athletes from 35 states and union territories including Services participated in the parade. The Tejaswini torch of the National Games was brought to the field. 4000 km from Haldwani. This torch reached Dehradun after covering a distance of 4000 km. Lakshya Sen brought the torch. After some time, the Prime Minister also installed the torch on the stage. The PM said, ‘Devbhoomi has become more divine with energy. In this young state, youth from every corner of the country are going to show their strength. This time the National Games are also Green Games. All the medals and trophies are made from e-waste.’
PM Modi said this on UCC
Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that sports and Uniform Civil Code (UCC) eliminate discrimination. Sports competitions inspire everyone to put in effort and play with team spirit. The same inspiration is obtained from UCC. Modi also congratulated the state government and the people, calling Uttarakhand’s initiative to implement the Uniform Civil Code a historic step. He said that the state government’s UCC has given our daughters and mothers and sisters the right to live a dignified life. That is why he also calls it Secular Civil Code. The Prime Minister said that India is making efforts to host the 2026 Olympics. Where the Olympics are held, many sectors get momentum. The whole country benefits from it. The country is moving towards becoming the third largest economic power. Sports have an important role in the economy.
He said that from the land of Baba Kedar, it came out of his mouth spontaneously that the third decade of the 21st century belongs to Uttarakhand. Uttarakhand has entered the silver jubilee year. Modi said that 25-year-old young Uttarakhand is now moving on a new path of development. He said that organizing the National Games will open employment opportunities for the youth in the state. Along with this, new paths of development will be created. The economy of the state can no longer depend only on the Chardham Yatra. It is necessary to encourage winter spiritual journeys.
Governor Lieutenant General Gurmeet Singh (Retd), Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami, Union Minister of State for Sports Rakhi Khadse, Union Minister of State Ajay Tamta, State Sports Minister Rekha Arya, Indian Olympic Association President PT Usha, Commonwealth Games Federation President Chris Jenkins and BJP State President and Rajya Sabha member Mahendra Bhatt were present in the ceremony.